
gdb Re-Energise Conference 2024

Meet Our Speakers

Matt Garman
The Corporate Adventurer


Matt is an entertaining speaker combining a love of adventure with comprehensive business experience and success. Matt links business and adventure to demonstrate how the value of good leadership, preparation, training, communication and consistency, achieve business growth easily. 

His keynotes and workshops are delivered in his relaxed and friendly style, removing the ego and allowing for an honest and real demonstration of how he makes the most daunting challenges seem easy, and how the audience can too.

Matt promotes an inclusive, collaborative style and shares the lessons learned through over 30 years of being at the top of his game. His solid gold nuggets of practical wisdom, are coloured with the excitement and thrills of his seriously, life changing adventures.

Matt’s journey from the lowliest crew member on a fishing boat in the cold English Channel at 16 to skippering a successful row across the Atlantic Ocean this year as well as being a mentor, coach and leader of two successful businesses, is only part of his story.

His comprehensive knowledge is always informed by personal challenges, and he shares these openly, setting them in context, which is illuminating, inspiring and motivating for business and beyond.


John Ryan
CEO Healthy Place To Work



A speaker, author, entrepreneur, founder and CEO of Healthy Place To Work. John has spent most of his working life consulting with multinational organisations in the areas of Trust, Health, Wellbeing and Organisational Transformation.

Formerly a broadcast journalist and expert trainer, John is a regular media contributor and international speaker on topics including organisational health, resilience, and


Make Work Healthy is the title of his recent book which he co-authored with Dr. Michael Burchell, and which was published by Wiley in March in the United States and Europe, with Spanish and Portuguese translations coming in 2024. Finally, John is also the presenter of the popular ‘Work Healthy’ Podcast, interviewing the likes of Amy Edmondson, Dave Ulrich and Howard Gardner.


Catherine Fisher
Managing Partner, Morr & Co


Catherine joined Morr & Co in 2015 and became Managing Partner on 3 April 2023.


As Managing Partner, Catherine leads the firm’s management team, and she plays a pivotal role in driving forward the firm’s strategy. This includes working closely with partners and the heads of our operations teams, to ensure that the firm is focussed on its clients and employees, as well as ensuring the firm is well managed from a financial, regulatory and technology perspective. Before becoming Managing Partner, Catherine led our Dispute Resolution team, and she continues to practice as a dispute resolution lawyer.


Catherine originally qualified as a solicitor in 1992 with city firm Alsop Wilkinson (now DLA Piper) and joined Morr & Co as a partner in January 2015, having previously worked for UK200 firms Coffin Mew LLP and Barlow Robbins LLP. Catherine is a Solicitor-Advocate (Civil) and also sits as a Deputy District Judge on the South Eastern Circuit.




Marc Koska OBE
Founder, APIJECT



Marc Koska OBE is the inventor of the K1 and following Auto-Disable syringes, the founder of Safepoint Trust (a UK-registered charity) and a highly regarded advocate around the world for needle safety in both immunisation and therapeutic sectors.   His mission in life is the mandatory use of auto-disable syringes globally, to reduce cross-infection through dirty needles and needle-stick injuries, the world’s ninth biggest killer annually.


Over the past 15 years, the K1 has saved an estimated 12 million lives.  In recognition of his “contribution to global healthcare,” Marc was made  an Officer of the Order of the British Empire. The K1 continues to save an additional million lives each year. As Head of R&D for ApiJect, Marc relishes the opportunity to focus on his passion for engineering design and hands-on R&D in public health, while working closely with a team of immensely talented individuals who focus on the thousand and one critical functions required to launch and support ApiJect, including manufacturing, marketing, finance, government relations and more. “My original mission from 35 years ago has not changed,” Marc declares. “It is my fervent hope that we will overcome COVID-19 in a couple of years—and then I am looking forward to using our BFS single-dose injectors to provide the whole world with safe access to vaccines and medicines.”

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