
New Training Courses

A Brighton based business has been selected to support regional Chamber of Commerce members with specialist training and advice for enterprise sustainability.

Clive Bonny, founder of Strategic Management Partners in 1990, submitted an open tender response to meet the training needs of businesses across the South East UK. His firm has been chosen from dozens of bidders to design and deliver a series of online and face to face workshops and webinars.
Training topics include intellectual property protection, business continuity planning, and how to achieve ESG Environment Social Governance standards to meet new UK public sector supply chain standards. The aim of the programme is to accelerate sustainable economic growth and employment across the region.
Clive, who has been voted Entrepreneur of the Year by independent judges at Sussex Chamber of Commerce, says “this initiative by the Chamber enables me to share best practice from my many professional bodies and from 35 years personal experience in supporting the enterprise growth of over 2000 startups and high growth businesses.”
For more information contact Clive@consult-smp.com 07973 799153





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