
Humanimal Trust Donates Books to Alder Hey Children’s Charity

Rachel Jackson, Humanimal Trusts Schools Education manager was delighted to be able to present 10 Humanimal books to the esteemed children’s hospital on Tuesday 29th May

Amy Locke Dench said 'Thank you to the Humanimal Trust for its amazing gift of books to our patients here at Alder Hey. "Humanimal" by Christopher Lloyd will give young readers a chance to learn about a variety of animals and, may inspire empathy as they recognise that animals are not so different to humans!'



‘Humanimal’ is a captivating exploration into the remarkable similarities between animals and humans. Authored by Christopher Lloyd and richly illustrated by Mark Ruffle, this book takes young readers aged 7 to 12 on an enthralling journey of discovery and appreciation of all the incredible ways animals are just like us!


From the astonishing problem-solving skills of slime moulds to the heart-warming rituals of elephant funerals, "Humanimal" unveils a world where animals exhibit behaviours strikingly like our own. Rats laugh, bees participate in democratic processes, and each page brims with stories that ignite curiosity and inspire learning.


Humanimal Trust recognise the intrinsic link between humans and animals and are therefore dedicated to creating a world where humans and animals have better opportunities to benefit from equal medical progress. Through our One Medicine concept, we facilitate the exchange of information between human and animal medical professionals ensuring that medical advancements are shared and utilised for the well-being of all beings, without sacrificing an animal's life.


"Our collaboration with What on Earth Books enables us as a charity to donate these amazing books to Alder Hey," says Sarah Colbourne, Fundraising & Partnership Manager at Humanimal Trust. "Not only do these books educate and entertain, but they also contribute to our mission of fostering a deeper understanding of the connections between humans and animals."


Without the unwavering support of our generous donors, this mission would not be possible. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who have contributed, enabling us to provide invaluable educational resources to children.


Corporate sponsors interested in supporting ongoing educational efforts are encouraged to reach out to Sarahcol@humanimaltrust.org.uk. Together, we can empower future generations with knowledge and compassion, nurturing a deep appreciation for the wonders of our natural world.


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