If your business employs more than 10 full-time equivalent employees, your business will need to get ready to conform to the new UK business waste and recycling regulations which come into effect on the 31st March 2025. The new regulations, also called the ‘Simpler Recycling Scheme’ are designed to improve recycling rates by businesses across the country. Each local authority will need to provide improved collection services and as a business you need to get ready to have the sorting systems in place. If you’re thinking ‘Great, more bins!’, then you’re not alone but the good news is that the amended legislation has actually reduced the number of bins required in the initial proposals. However, what this probably means is 1) you need to review your recycling procedures and number of bins and 2) have somewhere to put them! This blog outlines the timeline and key responsibilities for businesses, as well as some ideas of how to sort and manage your recycling.