
Free Webinar: Driving Change and Transformation through OD.

How does organisational development impact change and transformation within organisations? Join this free webinar by Roffey Park Institute to find out more.

In today’s rapidly changing world, organisations need to quickly adjust to new technologies, changing markets and evolving consumer preferences making the role of organisational development more important than ever before. The ability to adapt and grow is crucial for businesses to stay competitive and successful.


Attend this Navigator event to gain valuable insights and inspiration from the firsthand accounts of successful individuals, including Helen Ashley and Matt  Winter who have utilised their Organisation Development skills to drive meaningful change. Through engaging discussions and real-life examples participants will learn how developing skills within themselves and their teams can create a ripple effect of positive impact within their respective communities and beyond.


We welcome you to join us and discover the Power of Organisational Development:


Navigator Forum: Driving Change and Transformation: The Power of Organisational Development. | Roffey Park Institute

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