
Estate planning webinar

Estate planning webinar

Tuesday 3 December, 14:30 – 15:30

We have had a huge response to our Budget webinar and the articles we published on our website following the Inheritance Tax changes that were announced. The changes are to the relief available on qualifying business and agricultural assets, and the introduction of Inheritance Tax on pensions.


The changes will affect a wide range of people, so if you are a shareholder of a trading company, a business owner, farmer, landowner or an individual with a pension, this webinar will be beneficial to you.

To explain the changes, how these might affect you, and the planning opportunities you might want to consider, we’re hosting an estate planning webinar. We will also be answering some of your questions.

Our panel will include:

More information including how to book can be found here Estate planning webinar | Kreston Reeves

Accounting / Financial Services


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