
A new sensory trolley for children in East Surrey Hospital

A new sensory trolley will help children in hospital who may be feeling anxious. Particularly children with additional needs, or those children who are worried, being in an unfamiliar environment. Can your company help us raise the final £2k needed to provide this for children in hospital?

Being in hospital can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, especially for children. 


Children are cared for at East Surrey Hospital in a 24/7 Childrens Emergency Department, child assessment unit, a 24 bed Childrens Ward for those who need to stay in hospital for longer term care. A new day procedures unit opened this year for children coming in for planned operations.


Isolation rooms are used for children who may be more vulnerable to infections, for example, when undergoing cancer treatment.


Many children in the hospital have additional needs – for example neurodevelopmental disorders, vision or hearing problems, sensory issues, or can struggle with anxiety or stress ahead of a hospital procedure.


As the hospital charity (and a GDB member) we are close to being able to provide a new sensory trolley for children in the hospital to help transform spaces in the hospital into a calming, and stimulating space. Reducing anxiety dramatically, particularly for children with additional sensory needs. 


The sensory trolley can be used flexibly, to transform individual rooms, or communal areas, so our play specialists can to transform areas of the hospital into a calm, enjoyable, positive sensory environment for children.


We need to raise another £2k to provide the new sensory trolley - so are appealing to GDB members to consider if you could help.


If you'd like to know more, or might be able to help, please email sash.charity@nhs.net or call Andrew on 07966 235171.


On behalf of the children in the hospital, and the ward staff - thank you.  


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