STEPS to Innovation
This series of five FREE online workshops focuses on successfully realizing innovation in business. These workshops aim to develop innovation knowledge and skills to progress ideas to commercial value, delivered by university and guest innovation experts.
The sessions are interactive, combining current innovation theory with practical approaches and real-life stories. The series is suitable for business owners of Small and Medium-sized businesses and staff responsible for product/service development or operational improvement.
The series, called STEPS, builds towards the successful launch of an innovation idea and covers five stages: SCOPE, TEST, EVALUATION, PILOT, and SCALE UP. Each session is designed to build upon the previous, like a story. The first session on 28th February, SCOPE, will cover identifying ideas for innovation and developing initial concepts, the core concepts, different types of innovation, and the capability of a business to innovate. The second session on 7th March, TEST, will introduce key approaches to testing and proving the worth of an innovation idea. It will explore how to get a proof of concept, validate the idea, and test for strengths and weaknesses. The third workshop on 14th March, will evaluate the innovation idea through market analysis and competitor research. The fourth session on 21st March, will cover piloting and trials, and the fifth workshop on 28th March will focus on scaling up the innovation and making decisions on launch.
To register interest and book your place visit