We are delighted to host FlexForward23 - a breakfast briefing at Flexpo Live on 22nd February 2023 - 8.15 to 10.30am.
Join us and our distinguished panel of guest speakers and be part of the conversation to drive best practice in flexible and hybrid working. FlexForward23 will be opened by our Keynote speaker David Blackburn, Chief People Officer at the FSCS.
David will set the scene, followed by break out groups facilitated by Senior Managers and Directors who are pioneering change in people management and particularly flexible working in their businesses.
This will be Flexibility Matters 7th FlexForward event. The most recent - in May 22, produced some first-class themes and new initiatives to implement and develop flexible working practices and most importantly create action.
Our peer mentoring breakout sessions allow participants to learn, share and exchange ideas. To create a working model of best practice in flexible and hybrid working with the other attendees, to enable them to share their knowledge and experience within their own companies and clients after the event. If you joined us in May, you will recall the diverse and lively debates our breakout sessions fostered - which all produced very different themes and take aways for all attendees.
We will collate and share with all attendees after the event, the collective ideas fostered within the breakout sessions ensuring everyone is able to share their group discussion.
Flexpo Live will bring together thought leaders, experts, suppliers and innovators - leading the co-design of this new era of work by building a blueprint for fairer, more inclusive and flexible organisations at the Business Design Centre on 21st and 22nd February.
Register to join us free https://share.hsforms.com/1z1PU6bo6SmaqRRFBNVkQsw4mijt