Manor Green Primary School
Lady Margaret Road, Ifield, Crawley, West Sussex, RH11 0DU
Tel: 01293 526873
Head Teacher: Miss Amanda Preece "Learning Together"
Become a Co-opted Governor at Manor Green Primary School!
We are looking for governors to join our governing body. It's an opportunity to support our school, the children and young people in the community.
Manor Green Primary is an exceptional school which has been judged Outstanding by Ofsted on four consecutive occasions. We have an enthusiastic, dedicated, and professional team who are committed to the highest standards of education, care, and behaviour.
The school has provision for 220 pupils spread across 19 classes all organised into Key Stage groups. Each class has a teacher and two or more special support assistants. The school is supported by speech and language therapists, physiotherapists and occupational therapists. The school has a school nurse, and some pupils have access to the peripatetic sensory team. Everyone works together with the teaching team to ensure pupils needs are fully met from a multidisciplinary perspective. All pupils have an Education Health and Care Plan. The pupils participate in many specialist and therapeutic activities including hydrotherapy and riding. The school prides itself on its links with the wider community through visits and links with other schools.
We are looking for committed people to join us as Co-opted Governors. Contrary to popular thought - you don't have to be a parent or connected to the school in any way to be a governor.
We have several vacancies and would like to welcome applications from people with experience in:
• Human Resources
• Legal (Paralegal, Solicitor etc)
• Education and welfare
• Business and Social Economics.
We are committed to the governing body being reflective of the community the school serves and to help make better decisions in the interest of all pupils. We are committed to the diversity of our school, and we would like our governing body's membership to demonstrate this.
The Governing Body operates at a strategic level and is not involved in the day-to-day running of the school. The Governing Body:
• Ensures that that the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined.
• Ensures that the head teacher performs responsibilities for the educational performance of the school; and
• Ensures the sound, proper and effective use of the school's financial resources.
The statutory purpose of the Governing Body is to promote high standards of educational achievement at the school. The Governing Body acts as a critical friend to the school and ensures accountability, whilst considering the interests of children, parents, and staff. It makes decisions about curriculum, finance, staffing and premises matters, to help raise standards of achievement and to make sure that the school provides a good quality education for all our pupils.
We ask that all members of the Governing Body:
• Involve themselves actively in the work of the board, and accept our fair share of responsibilities, serving on committees or working groups where required.
• Make every effort to attend all meetings and where we cannot attend explain in advance.
• Monitor an area within the school and meet with the staff leader on a termly basis, reporting on each visit to the Governing Body.
• Get to know the school well and respond to opportunities to involve ourselves in school activities.
• Participate in induction training and take responsibility for developing our individual and collective skills and knowledge on an ongoing basis.
• Develop effective working relationships with school leaders, staff, parents, and other relevant stakeholders from our local community/communities.
• Observe complete confidentiality both inside and outside of school when matters are deemed confidential or where they concern individual staff, pupils, or families.
• Comply with the expectations set out in the code of conduct.
In return, our Governing Body commits to:
• Provide you with an experienced governor as mentor.
• Provide you with a structured induction.
• Provide access to quality training via the National College for Teaching & Leadership or local authority Governor Support Services.
• Develop your skills in strategic management.
• Offer you an insight into the wider perspective of the school.
• Give you the opportunity to make a difference to our school and the outcomes for our pupils.
If you would like to find out more about our school, including our vision ethos or safeguarding statement or charter, please visit our website
If you would like to find out more about how you can contribute to governance at our school, then please email or call the school on 01293 526873.