
Five butterflies to see in July

Five butterflies to spot in July

July is an exciting month for butterfly enthusiasts, as the warmer weather brings out a variety of species in gardens, grassland and woodland. Keep your eyes peeled for these five beautiful butterflies.

Five butterflies for you to spot

Woods Mill update

The Sussex Wildlife Trust has reluctantly decided to put the office buildings at Woods Mill, Henfield in West Sussex up for sale. The Trust is working with a local firm of estate agents, Graves Son & Pilcher, to find a buyer for the building, and the property will be placed on the open market during July 2023. We would like to encourage you to share details with your networks to help us reach as many potential buyers as possible.
The Woods Mill nature reserve remains in Trust ownership and there will be no changes in terms of public access or use of the reserve. Our intention is that education and engagement activities will continue to be delivered from the site.
There are several reasons behind the decision to sell the buildings. The buildings are no longer suitable or fit for purpose as a modern office housing the majority of Sussex Wildlife Trust staff. The liabilities attached to the building are significant, so major investment is required and the Trust feels that this expenditure cannot be justified when, now more than ever, it is vital that our funds are spent to further our charitable objectives of protecting and restoring wildlife and habitats and inspiring people about nature in the county.
Additionally, our ambition to be a Net Zero organisation will not be achievable if we continue to use Woods Mill as our base. By moving to a more accessible location we hope that we will be able to attract more diverse work-force, as the requirement to have access to a car currently excludes many potential employees and volunteers, in particular young people. Our facilities at Woods Mill also mean that we are not able to employ people with reduced mobility or other disabilities, which also limits our ambition to improve our staff diversity.
There is a great awareness amongst the staff, trustees, members, supporters and volunteers that the offices at Woods Mill are a huge part of our identity and history as a Trust, and this is not a decision that has been taken lightly.

Half a century of volunteering

Roger French has been volunteering with Sussex Wildlife Trust for a remarkable 50 years. We spoke to Roger to find out more about his favourite nature reserves and when he bought Sussex Wildlife Trust's first computer in 1987.
Thank you Roger so much for all your hard work.

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