Firstly, all of us at Crawley Wellbeing would like to wish you a happy and healthy New Year.
As the health and wellbeing of staff seems to be coming more and more into focus, we have been looking at ways to maximise our offering to businesses in Crawley by expanding our available workshops and by launching our Wellbeing Van in the coming months, enabling us to support more events and provide our own space for appointments, if needs be.
As usual, we will be providing our 30minute health MOT's and the 1 Hour NHS Health Checks on site (which have been proving particularly popular) and our talks and workshops which now include:
Switch off to Switch On: our guide to relaxation
Staying well and warm
Up in Smoke: Your health and you
Men's Health
Weight and Alcohol
These are all available alongside our existing offerings such as Stress, Happiness and Diabetes awareness and a specific workplace health guide is in the pipeline.. If there is a specific topic you feel would be of benefit to your staff, please let us know and we are more than happy to see how we can accommodate.
Courtesy of our friends at Irwin Mitchell, last year we delivered our first 'hybrid' Wellbeing day where MOT's were available in the morning, a talk was delivered at lunch time and NHS Health Checks carried out in the afternoon. This led to some very positive feedback and we wanted to share this as an option to all of our workplace partners in 2023.
Lastly, in partnership with Crawley Town Football Club Community Foundation, Crawley Wellbeing are hosting a Men's Health Awareness Event at Broadfield Stadium on Wednesday 22nd February from 1830-2000 where many community partners will be available to be engaged with. Confirmed so far are: Crawley Wellbeing, Employ Crawley, Crawley Community Action, Social Prescribing, Carer's Support West Sussex and we are hoping to engage some partners to support with mental health and representatives from the LGBTQU+ community.