Two, six-hour sessions combine to give managers from any type of organisation the tools & strategies to help them to lead more effectively.
About this event
This free, intensive programme is sponsoed by Mole Valley District Council and is aimed at anyone who wants to develop the knowledge that will enable them to lead a workforce and/or an organisation towards better performance. Tickets are restricted to a maximum of two attendees from any given organisation.
Day 1: We'll kick off the programme by examining workforce employment trends. We'll follow this by exploring Leading versus Managing, where we'll also learn about the most influential 21st Century leadership styles.
We'll then discuss your leadership style and the importance of understanding how to lead yourself before you attempt to lead others.
We'll finish Day 1 by developing a framework for the 7 Dimensions of Strategic Leadership and consider each dimension in detail in relation to your workplace
Day 2: Managing Change: on Day 1 we examined how the VUCA environment requires organisations to be agile and proactive, to seize new opportunities and to enable flexibility in their workforce.
On Day 2 we introduce a variety of change models and tools which we can use to highlight some of the familiar challenges in that disrupt your ability to drive strategic change.
We'll follow this with a session focussing on organisational effectiveness through design, development and behaviours, linking these with our discussions around organisational agility, resilience and flexibility.
We'll move onto the role of a leader including strategic decision making, organisational sustainability and methods of managing through others to create organisational superior performance.
In the final topic, we'll look at how we can measure our impact using a balanced scorecard approach and how this can help leaders to focus on the organisation's vision and strategy.
We will close the programme by drafting individual plans for the next steps that you can take back into the workplace which will drive your organisational and personal growth and development goals.
This intensive programme is free to attend because it's funded through the ERDF and HM Government and is sponsored by Mole Valley District Council. It is open to any U.K. resident who is aged 18+.