New Zero Carbon homes will ease cost of living pressures through homes that are more resilient against the energy crisis
Waverley Borough Council has appointed South East based community creator Thakeham to build 30 new social and affordable homes on a site at Ockford Ridge in Godalming.
With further focus on increasing renewable technology to help local people with the cost of living, the range of 18 new houses and 12 new flats will be made available for shared ownership purchase, social and affordable rent. Work will begin in the Autumn of 2022 and is expected to be completed in October 2023. The £7 million contract is Thakeham's fourth for Waverley Borough Council and the third scheme appointment at Ockford Ridge.
These 30 homes at Ockford Ridge will be Nett Zero Carbon in lifetime operation. This means that the amount of carbon emissions associated with the building's energy on an annual basis is zero or negative. A net zero carbon building is highly energy efficient and powered from renewable energy sources. In a new change in this next phase at Ockford Ridge, each home at Ockford Ridge will feature an air source heat pump on top of the features Thakeham built into previous phases including; a pre-insulated frame, waste water heat recovery, solar panels and EV car charging for most plots.
For Thakeham, Rob Boughton, CEO said: "We have already completed 54 affordable homes at Ockford Ridge - delivering much-needed zero carbon in operation, social and affordable housing. A number of former residents have now returned to the area in new homes.
"In this next phase, we will continue our focus on the broader social impact of the development in the way our homes and community could help residents with the cost of living. Our design of zero carbon homes will significantly reduce lifetime costs for local homeowners by reducing the demand for heating.
"We are especially proud of the relationship we have built with the local community. We appointed a site dedicated Resident Liaison Officer to manage communications with the community. We are working with Waverley Borough Council and the local community through the school and community centre to ensure that our time at Ockford Ridge creates a legacy for generations to come."
Improvements at Ockford Ridge are being made over six sites; redeveloped in phases up until 2025. The original estate dates to the 1930s and Waverley Borough Council has delivered a modern community at Ockford Ridge. Thakeham have been proud to have worked with Waverley Borough Council delivering 37 and 17 new homes in previous phases.
The broader social impact of the new homes at Ockford Ridge has been carefully considered. Thakeham has collaborated with Waverley and the Ockford Ridge community to foster initiatives such as school visits and learning workshops, led by local charity Skillway. Together, they also supported a breakfast club, run for the community by St Mark's Community Centre, providing free breakfasts for workers from the centre once a week.
The Community Benefit Programme will continue to be delivered over the next 15 - 18 months as they continue to work with the community and WBC to deliver the next phase. Other initiatives have seen Thakeham work with the community centre and Green Oak Primary School on an estate-wide clean up event. Volunteers removed litter, dead leaves and other rubbish to keep the appearance of the estate clean and tidy.
Councillor Nick Palmer, Co Portfolio Holder for Housing (Delivery) said: "The homes built at Ockford Ridge are a mark of pride for the council. We have delivered modern sustainable homes for the community with enhanced environmental standards. The next phase will see the use of renewable technology and homes which will be net zero carbon in operation and we are pleased to continue working in partnership with Thakeham to bring our aims to fruition."