Hiring the right talent in today's climate is hard. And businesses like yours all around the UK are feeling the squeeze.
When there are more seats than there are people to fill them, finding the right candidate for your business can feel like a never-ending struggle.
Luckily, great marketing can help you stand out from a crowd of businesses just like you. One way to do that is by building your employer brand.
Prove that you're a great place to work
Your employer brand is what candidates see when they're evaluating your business from the outside. It's your LinkedIn profile, Glass Door page, your external marketing communications, and even your website.
It's also what shows candidates that your business is a place where they can thrive - a company that they can grow with and feel a part of.
Learn all about how to build your employer brand - and why it's important - in our latest blog.
Don't confuse your audience with your website
Every business needs a website. But what should it do?
For some businesses, the purpose of their website is to tell their brand story and inform their audience. For others, it's a tool for lead generation. And for others still, it's an eCommerce platform, or even something else.
Whatever your purpose is, hone in on it.
Trying to do too much will leave you with some very confused visitors - and worse still, stop you from achieving your goals.
Discover how to determine your website's purpose in our latest guide.
How confident is your business this quarter?
Every quarter, Vistage publishes its Confidence Index report.
The report is a barometer of how top-performing CEOs and executives across more than 200 SMBs view the economy and their business prospects.
So, what are this quarter's results?
Well, with dwindling retention rates, soaring prices and leaders feeling more pessimistic than ever, it might come as no surprise that business confidence has plummeted this quarter.
And the fight for talent is fierce - with more than half (57%) of businesses planning to increase headcount in the coming year.
So, marketing yourself as a great place to work is more important than ever in today's economic landscape.
Read more about the challenges your peers are facing and what's on their minds in Vistage's Q2 Confidence Index report.