You are your greatest asset and taking time to invest in yourself is essential to your wellbeing and success. With so much change still happening you need opportunities to switch off, reflect, and re-charge your batteries. Is there an issue that's holding you back, impacting upon your best performance or creating stress and uncertainty? Are you now feeling you're on island stuck not sure of how to navigate through the changes needed and you've limited time?
This is why Louise E. Taylor Creative Leadership Coach has launched The Leadership Makeover 3-Session Programme with a special offer. It offers business owners, MDs, and executives leading teams an opportunity to resolve a key issue that's holding them back, and to re-energise and refocus.
Not sure on your issue? Take a look at Louise's innovative Golden Wheel Coaching model, the inner circle specifically. See which three issues resonate, leap out at you or your intuition says 'yes' to. Then prioritise which is the key one to bring to your makeover.
Your time commitment consists of one session of 1 ½ hours followed by two further one-hour weekly sessions on Zoom or in person. You'll have unlimited access to Louise via email during the programme for when questions and insights arise. Plus, there are free resources.
The special offer fee of £299 is only available until 30th June and numbers are limited - book in now!
If you're ready to move from Island stuck to "My life went Pow! I feel energised, focused, and supported" - let's begin a conversation about your Leadership Makeover -
Louise E. Taylor is a Creative Leadership Coach, Performance Poet & Comedian who is passionate about helping people and organisations to navigate through change creatively so that they deliver their best performance.