Free Video Workshops and Digital Experts
to guide West Sussex Businesses to Recover and Rise in 2022
The West Sussex councils have delivered a series of FREE online video workshops designed to maximise the impact and accessibility of digital technologies.
All the recordings are now available to view on YouTube, click below to watch:
WSCC Recover & Rise Videos - Watch Again Here
The Recover and Rise SME Digital Accelerator programme is a four-part series comprising 29 online video workshops.
Series 1 - Getting Online: The Webinars in Series 1 cover everything you need to know to set up and maintain your business's online presence to a professional standard, including topics on website development, web security and e-commerce.
Series 2 - Customers & Marketing:
Covering everything you need to know in order to enhance your online presence to take your business to new marketing heights. Issues covered include social media, search engine marketing and GDPR.
Series 3 - Systems & Productivity
Everything you need to know about streamlining your business workflow and productivity with digital tools, including digital HR systems and online team productivity.
Series 4 - Growth, Expansion & New Products
Everything you need to know about using digital tools to innovate and grow your business, including future proofing your business and tech-driven growth.
Recover and Rise helps Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) utilise digital tools and gain expert knowledge and advice on how best to grow their online presence, attract and retain new customers and work more productively.
FREE Digital Champion Support
Alongside these video workshops, the Coast to Capital Growth Hub provides fully funded access to specialist Digital Champions. Businesses can receive up to 8 hours of FREE specialist support, fully funded by the Coast to Capital Growth Hub. You can use any of the seven strong team of digital and business experts to help you implement the knowledge and ideas learnt from the Recover and Rise program.To find out more and access the Digital Champion support simply click the button below to the Growth Hub.