Over the last few months the LSIP project team have been undertaking data analysis, stakeholder research and workshops to help build up a picture of the skills challenges in the Sussex area and potential ideas for solutions, which we can then formulate into the Local Skills Improvement Plan's Case for Change, to be submitted to government in March 2022.
In January we will be holding a series of nine virtual subgroup sessions to share the findings from all this work and the draft Case for Change. It will be an opportunity to review the Case for Change and discuss the possible priorities to be taken forward for development within the Plan.
There will be a workshop for each of the key sectors the LSIP project is looking into. In addition, there will an also be a Cross Cutting themes session, which will discuss the findings on the factors that affect all sectors.
For our education provider stakeholders, in addition to joining our sector subgroup meetings, we would also like to invite you to a specific education provider session.
NESTA Skills Taxonomy Workshop - 24 January 2022 - 2.00pm - 3.00pm
We have been working with Nesta, who are building a Sussex Skills Taxonomy, which will measure sector skill demands and identify and visualise significant skills shortages in the region.
In this workshop Nesta will present preliminary results from their analysis of job adverts in Sussex and the skills mentioned within these adverts. They will be inviting feedback on the indicators that they are tracking, and they will be seeking ideas for additional indicators that would be useful for attendees.
LSIP Roadmap for Change Consultation Sessions - February 2022
In February we will be hold three consultation workshops to share the final priorities and project plans for inclusion within the LSIP to be submitted to government
Further information on how to book onto these subgroup sessions will shortly be available on our website.
If you have any queries, please email skills@sussexchamberofcommerce.co.uk