
East Surrey College welcomes Clare Coutinho, MP for East Surrey, as guest speaker at the 2022 Higher Education & Professional Courses Awards

East Surrey College's Annual Higher Education & Professional Courses Awards returned on Friday 21 October for the first time since 2019. The 2020 and 2021 ceremonies were postponed due to the pandemic so we welcomed over 150 guests to a bumper event as three years' of students celebrated their achievements with friends, family and College staff.

Courses that were awarded included Business, Accounting & IT, Construction, Engineering, Education & Early Years, Public Services & Sports, Healthcare & Counselling, as well as courses from Reigate School of Art.

Guests received a welcome talk from Richard Pearce, Director of Higher Education and Jayne Dickinson, Chief Executive of Orbital South Colleges, who highlighted the dedication and success of the students. Additionally, we were delighted to welcome Claire Coutinho, MP for East Surrey, as guest speaker who presented students with their awards.

During the reception, guests mingled with previous tutors, members of the College's executive team, as well as their peers, whilst enjoying a buffet.

Toward the end of the ceremony, guests received an inspiring Student Vote of Thanks from Noelle Vaugh, Photography BA (Hons) Top-Up Degree Alumni.

"Pursuing any academic course is never easy; but for the classes of the pandemic, our studies over the past three years were to be even more challenging than any students before us."

The Awards Ceremony coincided with the launch of our new Higher Education Course Guide for 2023-24 - click on the image below to explore courses on offer.

To find out more first-hand about our Higher Education provision, book now to attend one of our 2023 Open Events on Wednesday 22 February or Saturday 10 June at www.esc.ac.uk/events


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