More than 8 out of 10 people in West Sussex now boosted
Latest figures show that 82% of eligible adults in West Sussex have nowreceived their COVID-19 booster vaccination.
It comes after vaccinations teams stepped up efforts throughout December tosignificantly increase the number of appointments available, to offer a boosterto all eligible adults by the end of the year as part of the response against the Omicron variant.
Vaccination services extended their opening hours, held sessions on further days and increased the number of walk in sessions to help make the vaccination available to local residents.
From an average of 80,000 a week, the number of appointments soared andreached 150,000 completed vaccinations a week.
Work now continues to encourage anyone who is yet to come forward for theirvaccination to book an appointment or arrange to attend a walk in session.
There are available appointments at all services across West Sussex on theNational Booking Service for the coming days and weeks. There are also walkin sessions being held our communities - see the latest list of days and locations.
Health leaders are also reminding people that it isn't just about boosters, and ifpeople are yet to have their first or their second primary doses, they are alsoencouraged to come forward and receive this vital protection.
School visits resume next week to protect 12- to 15-year olds
Schools in West Sussex will start to be revisited from next week as we work toensure that young people are protected.
12 to 15 year olds are now eligible for a second dose, and the SchoolsImmunisation team will be revisiting schools to offer vaccination to all those withconsent in place.
They will also be able to offer first vaccinations to anyone eligible who has yetto receive a first dose.
In addition to the school visits, appointments for 12 to 15 year olds are availablein West Sussex through the National Booking Service website and 119. There are clinics across our communities offering the vaccination in specific clinics for
this age group.
Parents are particularly being urged to complete and return consent forms if youhaven't already and you want your child to receive their vaccination in school.
Even if your child has recently had COVID-19 and may not be able to receive itwithin the next 12 weeks, please complete the consent form but let the team know that they have or recently had COVID-19, and they can make sure youreceive the appropriate information about catch up clinics.
More than 7,000 people vaccinated at home in West Sussex
Home visits to provide booster vaccinations have been underway in West Sussex.
To date more than 98% of people who have been identified as needing a homevisit have been vaccinated. These specific visits have ensured that some of ourmost vulnerable residents have received this vital protection.
A detailed action plan is now underway to reach those remaining, whichincludes visits planned for this week, arrangements to vaccinate those who maybe in hospital, further attempts to contact those who couldn't be reached, and planned appointments for those who are yet to be eligible.
If you are housebound and have not yet been contacted please do contact ourVaccine Enquiry Team to make sure that no-one is missed - phone 0800 4334545 (open 9am - 4pm, Monday to Friday) or email
Reminder: fourth dose for those with a weakened immune system
People who are immunosuppressed or have a weakened immune system are now able to get a booster vaccine. Anyone in this group would be able to havea fourth dose (after three primary doses) 3 months after their 3rd dose.
GPs and hospital specialists will be inviting people for their booster dose whenit is due, but if people think they are eligible we would encourage them to speakto their health professionals.
If people have a letter from their GP or hospital specialist inviting them for avaccine, they can bring this letter to any of the walk in sessions to receive their vaccination. See the latest dates and locations for walk in sessions.
Read more about the 3rd and 4th dose.
Vaccinations on the road in Littlehampton
This week a mobile vaccination service has been on site at Morrisons inLittlehampton to provide easy access to booster vaccines.
The service has been open from Tuesday and is there until the end oftomorrow, open 11am to 4pm. There is free parking at the Morrisons store and no appointments are needed. Simply walk up to the service for a first, second or
booster vaccine. It comes after the bus was in Bognor Regis last week at the Bognor Regis Football Club, with our vaccinators on the day pictured above.
Huge thanks goes to all of the team who have supported this service, in particular for this week, Ali Whitburn, vaccine champion and lead for Morrisons in Littlehampton.
Next week the bus will continue to be in the Arun District - more details coming soon.
If you have any questions, concerns, comments or suggestions please contact
Patrick Brady - Email Mobile 07977 50643