Planning, Managing & Growing My Business - Webinar - The Business Hothouse
It is interactive webinar, where we will be covering Business Planning (How to write a Business Plan), Managing your Business and Growing your business through Marketing & Sales. We encourage attendees to participate in discussion, and share their ideas. We also offer a 121 follow up, business plan review and/or finance discussion if needed. This course will be delivered over 3 days, in 4-hour sessions.
The next session will be delivered on 31st March, 7th April and 14th April 2021, 10.00 - 14.00
Book here
Grants for Growth - Applying for Invest4 Funding
This webinar is to help business to understand Invest4 Grant Fund criteria and process. We discuss what projects or parts of the project are eligible for funding. After the webinar we also offer a 1-2-1 follow up, where we can discuss specific project and offer guidance on the applications.
The next webinar will be delivered on 21st April 10.00 - 12.00