
Welcome To Your August Newsletter

As we find ourselves midway through August already, the team are wondering where summer went!? Our superstars have been out and about, battling with flash floods, enjoying the return of life pre-Covid-19 and responding to your alarm activations.

This months' newsletter includes our recent blog around the impact drones have on our security, our latest top security tips and a little more around the services we offer across Surrey & Sussex.

Nearly seven million drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), take flight in the UK every year, putting business and homeowners security measures at potential risk. In the latest of our Delta Insights, we sat down with David, Founder of Delta Security Management, to understand precisely what risks and threats drone use in the UK has.

Click here to read the interview

Our Fabulous Founder, David Graffham recently took on the Spinnaker Tower abseil challenge, in aid of Chestnut Tree House Children's Hospice in Sussex. Donning his swag bag and eye mask, David fled the top of the tower and gracefully landed back with his feet on the ground in no time. 
Head on over to our Facebook page to see the video!

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Delta's Top Tips

  • If your staff are locking or unlocking your business premises, we recommend this should never be done alone. Buddy up, meet off-site and attend together to ensure maximum security at all times.
  • We recommend you never leave employees alone in the workplace. Put in place an 'I.C.E.' (In Case of Emergency) word or phrase that your lone worker can use if they are in a vulnerable situation or under duress.

Follow us on Facebook to see more top tips

We understand that finding the most efficient security solution for your premises can often be hard to come by. The team at Delta Security Management are available to support and assist with any concerns or queries you have around your security and staff safety. Whether it be a small question, or something to challenge us, get in touch today for further security support.

Click here to ask us a question

Review us on Trustpilot

We would appreciate it if you would share your experience of the service offered by Delta Security and the team on our Trustpilot page.

Your opinion matters to us. Not only is your feedback shared with new and potential customers, but we'll also share your feedback with the team to enhance our service offering and ensure we're providing the best possible service.


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