If you are a small or medium-sized (SME) business, based in West Sussex, then you could be eligible to join an exciting new free support programme called RISE with access to expertise, technology, workshops and events from the Universities of Brighton and Sussex.
It's never been more important to be agile and able to adapt, flex and innovate. Future-proofing your business requires being fully armed with the right tools to ensure that your business runs as effectively as possible and retains its competitive edge. RISE (Research and Innovation in Sussex Excellence) is a new fully funded project designed to help local SMEs innovate and grow.
If you are interested in exploring a new idea in a low risk, fully supported, fully funded project using expertise from the universities of Brighton and Sussex, then the RISE project might be just what you're looking for. RISE offers eligible businesses a fully subsidised service with access to up to £7,500 (no payback or match required) This service includes:
- Access to cutting-edge expertise from the universities of Brighton and Sussex including workshops and 1:1 support
- A low-risk opportunity to develop R&D project(s)
- Dedicated support from Innovation Advisors
To find out more and book onto our first workshops visit: RISE - Unlock your innovation potential with RISE (rise-innovation.uk) or get in touch by email: rise@brighton.ac.uk
The RISE programme is receiving up to £620,000 of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020 in England. Grant reference: 04R20P04387
The West Sussex Councils are providing partnership funding to support the delivery of RISE, and through this, to provide help and support to SMEs in West Sussex.
RISE Recovery: Innovation for new business development
25th November 2021
One of our not to be missed in person workshops will be a rare opportunity to work with Dr George Tsekouras; the Director of CENTRIM (Centre for Change, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management) at the University of Brighton. This workshop will help you understand the activities and decisions needed to progress new ideas into value for your business.
For more information see here: https://rise-innovation.uk/event/rise-recovery-innovation-for-new-business-development/