
Financial Wellbeing Seminars for companies and their teams

The National Wellness Conversation shines a light on the aspirations of ordinary people -regardless of age, job, title or salary - and uses them to demonstrate why businesses must take a far more proactive role in improving the nation's financial health

Because we are committed to helping people achieve and sustain financial wellbeing Invictus Wealth Consultants offer companies the opportunity to book a no obligation Financial Wellbeing Seminar for their staff.

As part of the seminar a member of our team will facilitate an hour-long interactive team session supporting people to understand how to secure their financial future, and how to set financial goals.

Following the group session individuals will be offered the chance to book a no obligation meeting to speak with a financial adviser on a one-to-one basis if they wish.

If you would like to know more about our financial wellbeing and planning service or would like to explore booking a seminar for you team please get in contact with Katie Moore, at Invictus Wealth Consultants, katie.moore@sjpp.co.uk 07563819469



You can also find out more at: https://spark.adobe.com/page/JGNOm31uHUYPX/


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