
Family football match in memory of Grandpa

24-year-old Joshua Bonner from Portslade, Brighton, is holding a charity football match to raise funds for Chestnut Tree House in tribute to his late Grandpa.

Joshua's Grandpa, David, sadly passed away in January 2021 at the age of 81. "He loved football and was really passionate about the work that Chestnut Tree House does," says Joshua. "So I wanted to host a football match to raise vital funds for the children's hospice."

The 11-a-side match will take place on Saturday 24 July at Portslade Sports Centre and Joshua has promised that this fundraising challenge will be the first of many. "We want to try and fundraise for different charities every year now in his memory. It's a shame that my Grandpa isn't around to see it, but I know he'd be really proud."

Joshua's charity football match has already raised over £250 for Chestnut Tree House, with Joshua's workplace, One Family, pledging to match fund the final amount raised. To sponsor the match, please visit www.justgiving.com/davidgedess


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