COVID-19 One Year On, What Have We Learnt?
Tuesday 23rd March
9:30 - 10:30
Click here to register your place
For those managing buildings, most of 2020 (and so far, all of 2021) has been a very unusual and at times, difficult year. That of course is also true for the wider population too.
The scrutiny our building health and safety has been under has no parallel in recent times. It has had to adapt to significant and rapid changes in use and occupation, and so that called for ingenuity, creativity and speed in delivery. But what has the last twelve months told us about managing and maintaining compliance?
Our second webinar of 2021, on Tuesday 23rd March 2021, 09:30 - 10:30, is going to review some of the changes that have taken place from a health, safety and building management perspective, over the last year, and what we may have learned as a result of these, now and for the future.
Our Speakers:
Toby Thorp, Environmental Health Officer,
City of London Corporation
Toby will reflect on what the last year has meant for Local Authority regulators, particularly those working in the realm of health and safety, and how the principles of risk management remain applicable even in the face of novel hazards such as COVID-19.
Xenia Koumi, Senior Public Health Specialist within the City of London and Hackney's Public Health team, and lead for the Business Healthy network
Xenia will be providing Public Health insights from a workplace and workforce perspective, with regards to COVID-19 and proposed measures.
Greg Davies, Director of Market Development, Assurity Consulting
Greg will be looking at the effects and implications the last twelve months have had on our ongoing management of workplace compliance.