
O2 NSPCC Webinars & Online Safety Advice

Together with O2, the NSPCC has developed a free 30-minute webinar for groups of parents, grandparents and carers, making it easy for them to keep their family safe online. Delivered by our Local Campaigns team, the webinars are free to join and will offer a lot of practical tips, as well as signposting to free resources and extra support for families.

Topics include:

• Why children enjoy using the internet and how it can help them, as well as the risks

• Concerns that families might have about their child's use of the internet

• Exploring how families can navigate the digital landscape together, safely

If you'd like to register your interest in a webinar on behalf of your company or a local community group, or register your interest to attend a pre-recorded webinar, please contact parentworkshops@nspcc.org.uk.

Highlighted within the session will be the following online resources, which can be accessed as below in case of use:

• Net Aware

Net Aware is here to bring you top tips on how to keep kids safe on popular apps, sites and games (though the advice works for adults too). The team is currently reviewing trending apps, like Houseparty, Zoom and Netflix Party, to make sure parents have trusted online safety advice at their fingertips.
There are over 50 reviews available on Net Aware already and alongside this we'll be publishing news and advice, like our recent one on video chat, video sharing and livestreaming, which we're all probably using more of at the moment. Keep your eyes peeled for more helpful advice and handy tips going forward and sign up to the newsletter to stay updated on the latest reviews. 

• Online safety advice line

The online safety advice line is still open to provide technical support and expertise but working under the reduced hours of 10:00am to 4:00pm. 

• Parents vs Kids online quiz

Get the whole family together and take the O2 NSPCC Parents vs Kids quiz. See who knows the most about the online world, and learn a bit more about staying safe.

• O2 NSPCC Online Safety Guide

This guide offers practical, simple guidance on the risks your child might face online, some advice about what you can do to keep them safe, and where you can go for more help and support. It can be accessed online here.


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