Never more so than now do we realise how important Gatwick Airport is to the local economy.
This is more far reaching than Sussex alone and has a knock on effect to surrounding counties Surrey and Kent.
Working in partnership with the Gatwick Diamond Initiative and The IoD branches of Sussex, Surrey and Kent, we bring you a webinar focused on gaining a wider understanding of the challenges Gatwick and our local economy faces, speaking to the key individuals who are focused on ensuring that Gatwick rises to the economic challenges posed by the Covid19 Pandemic, on how to encourage and retain investment and the inevitable impact of Brexit.
Key note speakers include: Allie Renison (IoD), Henry Smith MP, Stuart Wingate (Gatwick Airport) and Jonathan Sharrock (LEP). A hosted Q&A session will ensure this is an interactive event ensuring your questions are addressed and answered. A must attend event!
Prices - No Charge.
For more information and to book onto the free webinar please click here