
Gatwick Airport Station Upgrade - Passenger Survey

 Work continues apace to deliver the vital £150m upgrade to Gatwick Airport station, which will increase capacity, improve accessibility and transform passengers' journeys. Despite the impact of Covid19, the Gatwick project met its first major milestone on 17 May, as the station upgrade entered its first stage of construction. 

Please help us to improve our communications about the Gatwick Airport station upgrade while work is taking place by completing our short survey here.

URL Link: https://www.demographix.com/surveys/3G4N-QFBR/8HDVSQV9/gd



Gatwick Airport rail station was opened by British Rail

in May 1958.


CGI of platforms 5 and 6 and escalators, which will lead

to a new passenger concourse and entrance into the


Welcome to the first Gatwick Airport station project monthly newsletter bringing you updates and news about this exciting upgrade. 
The £150 million project is being managed by Network Rail in partnership with the Department for Transport and Govia Thameslink Railway. Gatwick Airport Ltd and Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership are co-funding the project with £37 million and £10 million respectively. The project is being delivered by Costain.Anchor
You can watch a short animation about the difference the project will make here.
We would love to hear your feedback and ideas about what you would like to see in this newsletter. Please get in touch with the Communications Manager for the project Veronika Karailieva.

A message from Sarah 

Thank You, Team Gatwick!


Sarah Maxwell, Programme Manager

Despite the impact of Covid19, the Gatwick project met its first major milestone on 17 May, successfully taking platform 7 out of use, enabling the start of the main works.
Maintaining the original timescales has been a truly collaborative effort, not just between the Network Rail and Costain project teams but one that has involved all our partners, including the DfT, Gatwick Airport, GTR, Costain's sub-contractors, their designer TSP/Systra and many other parts of Network Rail. 
The way that the team has met the challenges of the Coronavirus has been outstanding, not just in the approach managing construction on site but in the way everyone has adjusted to the new ways of working during Covid19. A big thank you to everyone for working so hard to make this happen.
Now that we've hit our first major project milestone and stage 1 is underway, we can look forward to completing the design and our next critical possessions in November and over the Christmas blockade where we will remove the Network Rail overbridges, remove platforms 5 & 6 from services, enter a temporary platform 7 into service and be underway with stage 2. 
I am sure I speak for the whole team, when I say that I am excited to see the start of transforming Gatwick into a modern and more accessible station for passengers! 

A piece of cake 

Stage 1 of the Gatwick station upgrade underway despite Covid19


From left to right: David Stronell, GTR; Michelle Stanton,

Gatwick Airport Ltd, Ben Howard, Costain and Christine 

Carter, Network Rail


 A commemorative cake made by GTR.

On 17 May Gatwick Airport railway station saw its last departure from platform 7 for the next few months, as the station upgrade entered its first stage of construction.
Stage 1 of the upgrade sees the demolition and reconstruction of platform 7, ready to support new lifts and escalators, which in time will connect onto the second passenger concourse to be built above platforms 5, 6 and 7 and completed in 2023. 
The commencing of stage 1 attracted positive media coverage by ITV Meridian on 4 June and Rail Minister, Chris Heaton-Harris also commented: "I am pleased to see an important milestone reached on this project, which is testament to the hard work of all the teams involved who have come up with innovative ways of working in these challenging times. Once complete, the expanded, modern station will be an impressive gateway to Global Britain, improving accessibility and services for passengers."


Stage one demolition work

Track 6 and platform 7 removed 



Following the closure of platform 7 on 18 May, demolition works have continued at pace through June.
Platform 7 and track 6 have been removed and piling and concrete works will take place through July and August, to allow for a temporary platform 7 to be installed by 1 November 2020. 


Did you know? 

Gatwick Airport was a munitions dump in the Second World War and we have found unexploded devices during excavation works, which may pose a risk of detonation.The project has a dedicated Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) facility and a UXO engineer on site and the final UXO test took place on 29 May.






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