
Lloyds Bank Latest Business Barometer


  • Optimism for the economy fell 5 points to -10%, the lowest since June 2016 when the survey was conducted in the immediate aftermath of the referendum.
  • However, firms' assessment of their trading prospects for the year ahead rose by 5 points to 13%, while overall business confidence edged up 1 point to 2% - they both remained well below their respective historical long-term averages.
  • The net balance for staffing levels rose 3 points to 4%, partially reversing last month's sharp fall.
  • Firms' concerns about the Brexit impact on their activity intensified, with the net balance falling 7 points to a new low of -25%.
  • The Midlands (East and West) and Yorkshire & the Humber were the most confident regions; the least confident were Scotland and Northern Ireland, followed by the South West and London. 
  • Firms in the manufacturing and services sectors reported the weakest overall business confidence and highest Brexit concerns

Click here to download the full report


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