
gdb Members Aspire Sussex list the skills for your employees ranging from English & Maths to Bespoke

Aspire Sussex is a registered Charity providing community-based Adult Education that responds to the needs of local communities. Provision includes skills and qualification courses, distance learning, bespoke provision for employers and courses that support people into employment, to improve their life skills and health and wellbeing. 

Skills for your employees:

English and Maths Qualifications are taught in a friendly and supportive environment by tutors experienced in helping individuals achieve their learning goals. Our courses are free subject to certain funding conditions. We have places on courses across West Sussex starting this Autumn and can run courses from your business premises. General Information about English and Maths; https://www.aspiresussex.org.uk/topic/maths-and-english/ Assessment dates; https://www.aspiresussex.org.uk/student-support/assessments/

Distance Learning - we have a range of distance learning courses, which include customer service and Awareness of mental health. These courses are free but are subject to a deposit which is returned on completion of the course. For individuals looking for online (distance) learning opportunities, please follow the link below; https://www.aspiresussex.org.uk/distance-learning-courses/

ESOL - For anyone wanting to learn or improve their English language skills for speakers of other languages. We offer courses from pre-entry to level 2, please see the following link for details of our assessment dates. General Information about ESOL; https://www.aspiresussex.org.uk/topic/english-for-speakers-of-other-languages-2/ Assessment dates; https://www.aspiresussex.org.uk/student-support/assessments/

Bespoke - We have worked with companies and charities to deliver bespoke provision for their staff. In the last year this has included IT courses for a charity, a photography course for an estate agent, cake decorating and T'ai Chi for a staff awayday, marketing skills courses for a voluntary organisation and digital skills courses in a mental health facility. If you would like us to deliver a bespoke course for your employees/clients, please contact us.

CONTACT US; enquiries@aspiresussex.org.uk or call 0345 601 0161.


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