If joining Gatwick Diamond Business (gdb) has been on your "to do list", NOW is a great time to make it happen!
We are very excited to offer a Back 2 School Sale for our September joiners! All Membership Application's received during September 2016 will benefit from
That's a huge saving of £60+VAT
All you need to do to take advantage of this special offer is;
1. Follow the link to our Back 2 School Sale 2016 Membership Application Form http://www.gatwickdiamondbusiness.com/storage/downloads/GDB_back2schoolsalemembershipform12016_1472570697.pdf
2. Complete and return your form before the 30th September 2016.
We would be happy to come to have a chat about our membership or please feel free to call us know to find out more. Act today and access the real commercial benefits membership with us can bring to your business.