Think you know lots about communication? Ever considered your own style and how that might enhance or inhibit your interactions with others?
With in-person communication seriously restricted right now, an understanding of communication styles and how to be versatile can only help when engaging with colleagues, clients and others. Whether you're trying to build trusting relationships across your team, influence suppliers or customers, or pitch for business; communication is King.
In this interactive online learning experience, delivered in partnership with Training Journal Award Winning, McCrudden Training, we'll:
- Review what you know (and the urban myths) about communicating
- Discuss what are communication styles, and why are they important
- Look at 4 different styles, their focuses and how they complement or irritate each other
- Discuss how you can be more versatile, and adapt your communication to build successful relationships
Date: Thursday 21st May
Time: 10:00-11:30
Book your place HERE