
Welcome to gdb

Diamond Leaders for Growth

Diamond Leaders for Growth is a Gatwick Diamond Business programme exclusively for individual leaders committed to growing their businesses and interested in sharing experience, knowledge and ideas with like-minded peers.

About the programme

With expert facilitation, Diamond Leaders for Growth peer groups offer much more than passive business advice. 


Each participant will benefit from:

  • Membership, on a personal basis, of a peer group comprising experienced business leaders willing to share advice and experience with no ‘axe to grind’ or sales pitch.

  • The full backing of gdb - each group will be supported and quality-guaranteed by gdb but will be led by a chair, drawn from the membership, bringing:

                  ✓  experience in group leadership;

                  ✓   expertise in the particular aspects of the growth agenda their group will cover

                  ✓  the connections to bring in specialist contributors to provide a fresh perspective and to challenge thought processes.

  • The continuity of being part of a fixed-membership group of no more than 10 people designed to develop as a team in a sharing, but challenging, environment characterised by trust and confidentiality. 

  • Being part of a wider peer network - as groups become established, we will bring all participants together to form an extended Diamond Leaders for Growth network


Within these principles, a feature of Diamond Leaders for Growth is flexibility:

  • Groups can cover a general business growth agenda or have a more specialist focus such as marketing, sales, investment, innovation, people and strategic planning.  Some groups could be targeted at a specific sector or business profile. 

  • The right balance of members within each group will be for the chair to determine based on informal one-to-one discussion and/or an initial get together of interested people.

  • The frequency of meetings will also be for individual chairs/groups to decide but, to maintain momentum and build the necessary trust, we anticipate that groups will want to meet at least every two months. 

Prolifient Ltd

Andrew Manley

Andrew Manley

Our first Diamond Leaders for Growth group is led by Andrew Manley of Prolifient Ltd.  Andrew brings extensive experience in running peer group programmes. His Diamond Leaders for Growth group is aimed particularly at MD/Owner level with a broad growth agenda responsive to the needs and contributions of group members.  Andrew is working with gdb to build the group, lead each meeting, and coordinate expert contributors.

Business Doctors

Steve Jebson

Steve Jebson

Our second Diamond Leaders for Growth group is led by Steve Jebson. His group is aimed at MDs & Business Leaders looking to build their leadership skills and benefit from a wider network of business influencers.  The meetings focus on inspiring the group with market-shaping speakers, helping develop the group's business acumen and, challenging themselves and their business to take the next steps in scaling and growing.  Steve leads the group, facilitates the meeting and helps ensure the content is inspiring, challenging and relevant.

Getting involved

The groups meet bi-monthly with 6 full-day meetings each year. Membership is for a minimum 12-month period for an annual fee of £900 a year for gdb members (£1,800 for non-members) with the option to pay monthly. 



If you are interested in being involved in this programme, either in leading a group or in participating as a member, please contact




Andrew and Steve are open to interest in membership of their groups and would be pleased to hear directly from you 





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